8 Simple Rules for Living Life Better
Twenty-two years old and praying for a better Earth, I thought maybe it’s time I share some of what I’ve had the pleasure (and displeasure) of learning by this point in my life.
Now, you’re probably thinking “What gives this person the right to tell me how to live?” To which, I’ll reply, absolutely nothing, I am not licensed in any way and even if I was, I’ve learned that sometimes education doesn’t make you any smarter than anyone else. Life is made of experiences that shape you and experience, dear friends, is something I have fuck loads of.
If you don’t want my insights, that’s okay, it’s your choice. But, if you decide to read on, I hope what I say makes an impact on you in some way. I hope you take something here and put it to good use.
Let me start off by pointing out, I am young and have a whole life ahead of me, maybe at some point I’ll expand this list.
But for now, in all it’s glory, here are the 8most important lessons I’ve had the pleasure of learning this early in my lifetime.
- We are One. Every person, every animal, every plant and every organism is connected. Most of us are aware of this fact but never strive to understand or implement it into our daily routines. And through this seemingly accidental connection, we build and shape ourselves and the world surrounding us. Your energy is shaped or depleted by those around you. This is a scientific fact. We absorb others energies whether we mean to or not. So watch what you take in, through media, through your friends, peers and family. Every person is impacting how you feel and you are doing the same to them. Become conscious of this and watch how the world around you changes. Watch the sorts of people you begin to attract when you start saying no to the ones who create chaos in your life.
2. Love is powerful. So many people have shamed me for my ‘rose-coloured glasses’ approach at life. What they don’t understand is that it’s not just one-sided for me. I see the dark side in everything and everyone. But I know all I can do is lead by example of how I wish the world and society would operate. Things are nowhere near perfect, but, when you are aware that you can’t change others you begin to want to lead by example instead. Knowing that you are not responsible for their healing or their burdens frees you. This is why I choose to focus on the light in all. My love for the world around me and for the people in my life brings joy when it can be hardest to find. My love is my superpower. Radiating and embodying love is what attracts the right people to you. What makes you strong is your ability to see the truth for what it is but at the same time see things in a loving light.
3. Happiness is a conscious effort. This world is made of distractions, it can be so easy to get lost in them that sometimes we forget this. The sooner you acknowledge and give yourself the time to INTEGRATE this knowledge so it works for you, the happier and more content you’ll be in your life. Take the time to set aside a moment or two just to be grateful for who you are and where you are in life. Even when that point in life is shitty, know that every struggle produces a greater version of you.
4. Only you have the power to change your life. This one is another cliché but clichés are clichés because they hold truth. Don’t like your job? Look for a new one. Don’t like your romantic partner? Change partners. Obviously, none of this is gonna happen overnight. Most changes worth making aren’t fun or easy but they’re the only way to progress and live the kind of life you can be proud of. By making the change, you’re setting an example for those who look up to you. You’re telling them not to settle for less than what they feel they really deserve out of life. You’re sparking the fire of change.
5. Loving yourself isn’t always easy, but it’s always worth it. You have to be your own biggest cheerleader in life, most people are temporary. This may seem like a negative outlook, but I say this with a smile on my face. There is nothing more exciting to me than meeting new people, people I really connect with. The people who are meant to stay will stay but sometimes you’ll go through hard times alone, these are the periods where you must learn to be okay by yourself. Being alone isn’t easy or pretty sometimes but it’s necessary because the hard truth is that it’s almost impossible to have healthy relationships with others if your relationship with yourself is lacking. Every relationship you have will be impacted by your past experiences and relationships, whether consciously or subconsciously. By taking the time to work through your hang ups and traumas, you learn to love yourself for your strengths and gain the insight to work on your weaknesses. This opens the door to healthy relationships with others.
(There’s probably going to be another article by me about just this at some point because I have A LOT to say.)
6. The family you choose is more important than the family you have. This is something it took me quite a long time to realize. We always hear the phrase “family is everything” but what if your family is detrimental to your mental health? As a society, we rarely talk about the negative impacts of having a less than ideal family; family members who never worked through their issues and as a result, thrust their hurts onto you, the child of the situation. This takes its toll and when you grow up, you could unintentionally continue the cycle of hurt for your child. It is your choice with every day and every action whether or not to break the cycle. Know that it will be challenging at times but it will make for a happier future for yourself and those you love. It is also your responsibility to set and enforce boundaries, especially with those you don’t want to cut off completely. This world is changing, it’s up to you to create something positive in your legacy.
Side note: If you guys are interested, I follow a whole bunch of helpful accounts with information about healing your subconscious wounds and impacting the next generation on Instagram and can make a post of people and sites that I recommend you check out. Also, if you want to, follow me at tea.j_speaks
7. You cannot change the whole world but you can make an impact. Throughout the past few years, we’ve seen a shift. More and more, people are starting to take accountability for the roles they play in their own lives and in the world around them. This is being seen through the various protests and social movements happening worldwide. More people want to know why things are the way they are and want to contribute to changing them where they can.
You make a difference by speaking your truth. This can be hard, it won’t always be the most popular opinion but you must continue to speak it anyway. Find a balance between being open to hearing every side of things and knowing what you stand for. You have the power to change the world every day. Every action and word that comes from you creates a ripple effect.
8. Accept that you know nothing. In this age of distraction and deception, how does one really know the truth? Well, the sooner you accept that you don’t and there are more than two sides to everything, the less shocked you’ll be about the outcome of certain things.
The phrase “actions speak louder than words” can be true but we can’t discount the power of words. Look at the laws we know, the rules we follow; they all had to come from somewhere, whether written or verbal. Everything we believe as a society, is taught to us through words. So here’s the challenge, when do words stop being enough? Words lose their power more and more these days, the job of the average journalist is less about writing and more about “fact-checking”. So with that being said, my last lesson is simple: stay open to every possibility and stay aware of what’s inside you.
Sending love your way.